Watch the videos of the Mini-symposium “Private health data in the cloud”

Video 1: Welcome – click here

Video 2: Vincenzo L. Pascali “Ethical and legal aspects of giant database storage”– click here

Video 3. Ana Marzo “Legal horizons in the treatment of genomic data” – click here

Video 4. Ferrán Sanz “Data protection in the cloud” – click here

Video 5. Carlos Romeo “Health Big Data and the Cloud: a new challenge for law” – click here

Video 6. Discussion – click here

On Wednesday, December 14th, took place in Barcelona the mini-symposium “Private health data in the cloud”.

This event, organized by the PanCanRisk consortium ( is aimed mainly at research groups and organizations, Students, Project Managers Patients and Legal Advisers interested in the protection of health data, especially genetic data.

The objective is to analyze the novelties of the new European Law of data protection and to comment with experts in the matter ethical and legal issues and the need to conciliate data security with the anonymity that is needed to preserve the identity of subjects that are tested at the clinical trials and research projects.

While data is being produced, analyzed and reanalysed at a very high speed, we lack a common ethical and legal framework to facilitate genomic and clinical data, global science collaboration, and responsible research conduct. An international code of conduct should be designed to enable global genomic and clinical data sharing for biomedical research within a human rights framework has been proposed.

In the following link you can find the program.
